Drug addiction suicide desire started infiltrating your thoughts when you attempted to quit drug abuse, but you failed multiple times. Do not give up...there's still hope.
You have been to the best Rehabilitation Institution Treatment Facilities), still you relapse. You even find that during your relapse, your drug addiction become more intense than before. Still do not quit life.
You narrated:"I remembered when I started my first use of drugs. My friends and I were having a great time,(the party was grand). Day after day we just let loose and have fun. Then I couldn't do without the substance anymore,(it was my breakfast,lunch and dinner)"
"After that,I began losing interest in everything - school,family,work,( all I wanted was the next fix)" Eventually,your destiny was truncated, and now your life has changed forever...for the worst. Still do not quit life.
Satan uses different traps for different people, (to destroy their soul). Your (trap is drug addiction and contemplating suicide). Satan is attempting to destroy your life(then your soul, will be another lost soul for eternity).
As mentioned,Satan (shows you all your failed rehabs,or shows you that you are not qualified). He makes you feel that you do not need rehabilitation. He knows your weakness and your strength. But Christ is waiting for you to make your move towards Him. And be free from drug addiction.
Know this that you are not alone in your pain,(many drug addicts have traveled this road before and are totally transformed). You too can be delivered. Search (the archives) and be Unshackled.
There is a God who made all things,He has control over life and death.He said:
"I have made the earth and created man upon it,I even my hands have
stretched out the heavens and all their hosts have I commanded"
(Isiah 45:12).
This Almighty God can take control of your life and your addiction, (if you let him),but (He will not forced Himself upon you).
(John 6:35)"Jesus says:I am the bread of life,he that comes to me shall never be hungry, and no one that believes in me shall never be thirsty".
Why would you consider drug addiction suicide- A DESTRUCTIVE PATH,(or accidentally overdose on drugs), when you have hope?" Drug addiction people are all over the world...Listen to this testimony of a drug addict delivered.
You must believe that God can rescue you from drug addiction suicide. Acknowledge that you are a sinner and need His cleansing grace. The bible the word of God declares.
Only when you accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior,(will you find rest for your soul,and peace in your life). You wont need to numb your emotional pain through drug use. Do not die from drug or opioid abuse.
Jesus Christ, please forgive all my sins,please accept me as your child for heaven. Take away the desire for drug addiction suicide. Give me a desire to serve you forever. Give me light where there is darkness,Amen
The author of this suicide website
has attempted to provide quality
information to all its readers.She
believes 100% in the true word of
God,and has attempted to present
it as accurately as possible in
its content. She accept no
liability of any kind for any
losses,victory,joy,Healing, caused directly
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information of this website.